Rencontrez les designers: façonnage || Meet the Designers : Shaping


Réunis sous le thème Façonnage, venez rencontrer Chris Fusaro, Clara Jorisch, Mie Kim et Verre D’Onge – quatre designers montréalais dont les œuvres sont présentées au SOUK HABITAT.

D’une façon ou d’une autre, tous les designers explorent le façonnage. Pour Verre d’Onge (Verre soufflé) et pour Mie Kim (poterie) les formes organiques prennent forme grâce à la rotation autour d’un même axe en utilisant l’air, l’eau, le feu et les mains de l’artisan pour créer la forme désirée. Pour Clara Jorish et Chris Fusaro, le processus est différent mais la résultante est similaire. Les matériaux plats tels que le bois, le verre, le métal, les tissus, le plâtre, la cire, le sable et l’argile sont utilisés pour créer des objets en changeant de la forme d’origine du matériau pour qu’il devienne objets organiques. Le Matériau, influencé par le processus, devient donc forme.

Date: 28-30 octobre, 11h-19h.

Lieu: SOUK Habitat

Reunited around the shaping theme, come and meet Chris Fusaro, Clara Jorisch, Mie Kim and Verre D’Onge – 4 designers from Montréal presented in the SOUK HABITAT space.

In one way or another, all designers employ “façonnage”. For Verre d’Onge (glass blowing) and Mie Kim (pottery), organic forms are created through rotation around a central axis, using air, water, fire and the artisan’s hands to bestow a desired shape. For Clara Jorisch and Chris Fusaro, the process is different but the results are comparable. Flat, linear and formless materials like wood, glass, steel, fabric, plaster, resin, sand and clay are used to create objects that are formally removed from their original material format to create organic shapes and objects, where the material, influenced by process, becomes second to form.


Round table. with Chris Fusaro, Clara Jorisch, Mie Kim and Verre D’Onge about the art of shaping. For Verre d’Onge (glass blowing) and Mie Kim (pottery), organic forms are created through rotation around a central axis, using air, water, fire and the artisan’s hands to bestow a desired shape. For Clara Jorisch and Chris Fusaro, the process is different but the results are comparable. Flat, linear and formless materials like wood, glass, steel, fabric, plaster, resin and clay are used to create objects that are formally removed from their original material format to create organic shapes and objects, where the material, influenced by process, becomes second to form. Come hear our panelist exchange about how the material, influenced by process, becomes second to form.

Date: October 28th-30th, 11am-7pm.

Lieu: SOUK Habitat